Thursday, June 17, 2010

Little things to find K -Day Two -

Wandering, Rambling, Old Friends. 

I wandered in my little back garden and spent time enjoying the sunshine. I also figured out how to find the back garden from the front off the house. A mini adventure. 

I spent time rambling, talking and dare I say bonding? With Mr. D. 

Slowly ate an orange and enjoyed every moment Fruit does taste so much better then candy. It's got more depth, texture and juice! 

Little things. Picture my post of little things as post it notes pinned to a huge communal bulletin board. 
I welcome you to share with me along the way the three things you did today in the comments. :) 


  1. mmmm ...I had an orange as well was divine! I also had my first Gyrotonic session with this fabulous trainer was phenomenal energy radiated after class. I made a delicious and nutritious lunch for myself. Love you :-)

  2. Thank you for sharing Mum! Maybe you can do the daily find on your blog.

    - Love K
