Tuesday, August 3, 2010

43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49


*Applied for more jobs, this is more something to find K because I'm only applying for part time jobs. Jobs that I know I can commit to and that are close enough to commute with out panic attacks. I know many people have to do a long commute to work, after the failed mission last week I know that I'm just not there yet. *I dusted all the bookshelves downstairs (not my he has many bookshelves). I also did a general tidy up. Nothing major but a good time to chat with Mr. D. *I made rice! Cooking rice in advance is part of my eat healthy (brown rice don't ya know) and eating cheap. I'd happily eat pasta forever. Heck I'd happily eat forever but I do have lots of rice that I don't use in favor of faster and easier to smother in butter and cheese pasta. My mission, I'm not going to limit how much rice I eat during the day. I'm going to focus on balance and smaller portions first. So one cup of vegetables for each cup of rice. In stead of one big helping of rice I'm going to have smaller portions. Getting up to get more will force me to think if I really am still hungry.  

My other mini goal is to eat one meal a day mindfully. Today that was breakfast and it was a raging success.


Cleaned bathroom of doom. Dealt with conflict mostly like a grownup. Ate mindfully at all meals!


Left the house! Trip to town center for books and food. Spent time being friendly and smoothing over last of the conflict. Bonding and living with not my he is tough but mostly worth it. Ate mindfully at breakfast!


Left the house! For brain testing. Snacks and not having to bus (thank you platonic wife) to the appointment downtown after only four hours of sleep made it an okay but very full three and half hours. I walked! I chose to walk the 20+ blocks to find Miss T. I baked! It was a really fun afternoon sharing video clips, stories, strange dreams, raiding pineapples and other baking goods from S*'s house. Plus baking with my platonic wife means less mess to clean up because she helps and more yum because she accidentally added an extra cup of sugar.


Breakfast of whole wheat cookies (with extra sugar) and fresh pineapple has to count as awesomeness. I also put away dishes from the great bake we had yesterday. I also washed a lot of dishes. Plus mindful eating!


I wrote something creatively for the first time in over a year that had nothing to do with DnD. I got myself motivated and ready in time for Sky Pirates movie night with friends. I used the left over cookie dough to make more cookies for everyone! They boys chowed down on them while I got left eating popcorn, thankfully they left a few small cookies for me. We all went for a walk. Well, a short walk. However managing to leave the house is no small feat!


I made more cookies. From scratch, for yum. I washed lots of dishes. I did eat mindfully at breakfast but then lunch turned into an attack of mindless eating. I managed to make myself stop with out too much self abuse. I spent some much needed time talking to my mummy. Seven weeks of finding K. < insert happy dance >

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