Tuesday, August 10, 2010

50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56


I drank my daily recommended of water for the day (192 fl. oz.) my goal of the week is to drink 192 fl. oz every day. I did the August budget and dealt with online and telephone banking. I also spent some time thinking about where I am right now. I've got to confess I didn't like what I saw. I find it's much easier to beat myself up about the bad then it is to celebrate the good. My project for the upcoming week(s) is to work on the need to tear myself apart by building in more structure to my day.


ROOM reno, whole wheat cookies. WATER lots. Computer off at Midnight. Walking down memory lane with photo ally. 


Sat outside and enjoyed the sunshine, worked my puzzler with math games. Cleaned the kitchen. WATER 


Almost drank 192 fl oz water. Computer off at midnight. Creative writing. 


Went for a walk. Returned library books. Went food shopping. 


Went for a walk. Wrote creatively for contest (even won one ;)) Enjoyed celebrating 10 years of deviantArt. 


I confess. I fell off the wagon. The gremlins are playing and I've been lounging in apathy for most of the week. I feel myself unwinding. Unsure of what I'm doing and lacking in any real motivation. Drinking 6 bottles of water a day probably wasn't the best goal and I found turning the computer of at midnight wasn't helping me get any more sleep. I know I need to jump start my brain and get back on track but for now I fear I'm to turned off. 

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